The Last Hurdles of 2014
Back in October I wrote down a few goals I wanted to try and complete by the end of the year. As the year is starting to wind to a close, a fact I’m reminded of every morning when my daughter tells me how many days are left until Christmas, I thought I should detail some of the progress I’ve achieved and my plans for the final weeks of the year.
My goals were to:
- Rewrite my source citations
- Transcribe my early sources into my logs
- Start working my way though the pile of digital scans
I’ve been working diligently on the above and have made significant progress.
Source Citations
This has been a big one on my list. I have cited my sources for all my found documents from the start, though I will admit they aren’t overly pretty and in some cases need some flushing out. I’ve done what I can for the new sources I’ve added to my database, as well as the citations added to the blog. However, I’m currently (im)patiently waiting for my copy of Evidence Explained to arrive. It’s been over a month since I ordered it and it is due to arrive any day now. I hope.
Transcription of Records
I’ve completed this task. All records are now transcribed into my logs and I’ve happily found a few more leads to help progress a few of my more troublesome ancestors. I still have a few more folders of items that need to be transcribed, mostly gravestones and newspapers that I originally attached as media that need to be added in as sources.
The Digital Pile
It’s amazing how big digital piles can be. It was lots of fun finding and scanning all those items… okay, it was fun finding them. The scanning bit gets a bit tedious. However, I’ve now divided up the scans from my husband’s side of the family into separate folders designated for Photos, Photo Albums, Documents, Diaries, Wills, and a few separate files for special family groups. Scans from my side of the family are mostly photos, but I will be doing the same with them and keeping my fingers crossed my dad gets a chance to send me the document scans soon.
My priority for the digital pile is to try to get through as many of the documents and wills as possible. This is all good source material that needs to be transcribed, added to my genealogy software, and shared as appropriate. I’m editing photos as required for the blog at the moment, and am hoping to make some headway on this over the holidays. I’ll whittle the pile down eventually.
The Last Hurdle
I’m hoping to be able to get the first two tasks completed by the end of the year, assuming my book arrives soon. I most certainly want to get the remaining media added into my database.
I know the digital pile is more of a long-term project which is better savoured. However, if I can get the rest sorted, then I believe I’ll be able to enter the new year with a clean slate open for new research discoveries.
I’ll post my accomplishments and goals for 2015 on the 1st of the year (Gregorian calendar).
Copyright ©2014, Chriss Coleman